Announcement and Rules for administration of a MELODI Award 2024

Home > Announcement and Rules for administration of a MELODI Award Call 2024

The MELODI Association has decided to reward annually a young researcher by offering a MELODI Award, to be officially announced during the annual Radiation protection Week. This year the award will be announced in the frame of the 8th European Radiation Protection Week 2024 (ERPW 2024) taking place in Rome, Italy 11-15 November 2024, organized in-person.



The MELODI Association wants to reward each year one young researcher, active in the domains covered by the activities of the MELODI Association, in order to raise more attention to research in the domain of low doses of ionizing radiation in a broader sense, and to stimulate young researchers to be active and to publish their results.


The MELODI Award

The Award will be granted with 4 000 € (amount fixed annually by the MELODI Executive Council). The financial means partially have to be used to present the work that allowed winning the MELODI Award at one international conference to be convened between the Executive Council and the winner of the Award; the remainder can be spent according to the convenience of the winner.


Modalities and conditions

As regard to the candidate

  • The candidate should not be older than 40 years and should have shown his/her excellence in research on the effects of low dose ionizing radiation, with experience in at least one of the major scientific disciplines of relevance in this research field for a minimum of 3 years shown by one or more major publication/s in an internationally known peer-reviewed scientific journal.
  • The candidate should personally have played a key role in the research presented.


As regard to the research

  • The research topic should be in line with the Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) of the MELODI Association and contribute considerably to progress in understanding or in developing at least one aspect of the MELODI SRA1.
  • The research should be original and innovative.
  • The research results should have been published (or in press) in international, peer reviewed journals. The scientific impact of the journal will be taken into account during the selection procedure.
  • The research has been performed within the European Union and its Associated Countries (i.e. with science and technology co-operation agreements that involve contribution to H2020 projects. For more info please look at the description of Associated Countries at the website of the European Commission:


Selection of the candidate

  • The Scientific Advisory Committee of the MELODI Association will review the applications according to the criteria of the MELODI Award and in accordance with peer reviewing standards. The Scientific Advisory Committee will recommend the winner of the MELODI Award to the MELODI Executive Council that takes the final decision. Normally only ONE Award will be attributed annually, yet an ex aequo is not excluded.
  • The Awardee will be announced in the frame of the 8th European Radiation Protection Week 2024 (ERPW 2024).
  • The following criteria will be used in the assessment:
    • CV of the candidate (to verify agreement with conditions mentioned above)
    • For the scientific work:
      • Scientific excellence and respect of scientific methodology
      • Creativity and originality, innovation
      • Pertinence for the MELODI Association
      • Value for the SRA and potential to enlarge the research for the next years to come
      • Compatibility with the general conditions mentioned above
      • A multi-disciplinary approach proves to be an added value
      • Relevant publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals

Research performed in a context of cooperation between various institutes shows an added value, international institutes outside of the European Union and associated countries included.




  • The candidates send their applications to the following e-mail addresses: and before the application deadline, which is 31 May 2024. The deadline will be applied strictly. Receipt of the submitted applications will be acknowledged within 1 week after submission.


  • The application should be written in English, and should include:
      • 1. A motivation letter in which the applicant indicates why he/she considers him/herself eligible
      • 2. A short CV of the candidate of maximum 2 pages
      • 3. A list of scientific publications and presentations
      • 4. A letter of support of the scientific supervisor
      • 5. A short description of the research context, the innovative aspects, the link to the SRA
      • 6. An active link of at least one (max. 3 most relevant) publication in full text in an international peer reviewed journal, or the text accepted for publication (proof needed) in an international peer reviewed journal from where the publication(s) can be downloaded. (If this is not available, a copy of the full text publications).
      • 7. A max. one-page summary of any other relevant scientific achievement.
      • The above-mentioned documents should be combined into one pdf-file not exceeding 10 MB when submitting them to the MELODI Secretariat, containing the above mentioned chapters which have to be numbered 1-7.
  • The MELODI Secretariat will check the completeness of the application and provide the applicants with a confirmation of receipt and ask for supplementary information if needed.
  • The winner will be informed in advance and is requested to confirm his/her presence at the 8th European Radiation Protection Week 2024 (ERPW 2024). He/she is also requested to prepare a short scientific presentation to be presented at the 8th European Radiation Protection Week 2024 (ERPW 2024) in the frame of a special session dedicated for the MELODI Award.
  • The winner of the MELODI Award will be allowed to mention this Award in all her/his forthcoming activities where this is relevant, provided that a link to the MELODI website is added. Alternatively, the MELODI Association has the right to publish a summary of the winning text and/or material for publicity purposes on any MELODI related carrier if considered useful without written consent from the winner.

AWARD 2024 time schedule:

Application deadline: 31 May 2024

The candidates will be informed about the selection procedure by 10 September 2024.

The winner will be invited to the 8th European Radiation Protection Week 2024 (ERPW 2024) taking place in Rome, Italy 11-15 November 2024, organized as an on-site meeting.