List of partners
DoReMi was launched in January 2010 with 12 original partners. In July 2011, 10 new partners joined the consortium as a result of DoReMi’s first competitive call.
In January 2013, another 10 new partners joined the consortium as a result of DoReMi’s second competitive call, and in July 2014 four more new partners joined the consortium as a result of DoReMi’s third competitive call, making the total number of partners 36.
DoReMi list of partners (PDF) |
# |
Beneficiary name |
Short name |
Country |
1 | Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority | STUK | Finland |
2 | Institut de Radioprotection et de Sûreté Nucléaire | IRSN | France |
3 | Helmholz Zentrum München | HMGU | Germany |
4 | Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique | CEA | France |
5/37 |
Health Protection Agency – Department of Health – Public Health England |
UK |
6 | University of Pavia | UNIPV | Italy |
7 | Istituto Superiore di Sanitá | ISS | Italy |
8 | Belgian Nuclear Research Centre | SCK-CEN | Belgium |
9 | Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz | BfS | Germany |
10 | University of Stockholm | SU | Sweden |
11 | Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology | CREAL | Spain |
12 | Institut Curie | IC | France |
13 | Universitaetsklinikum Erlangen | UKER | Germany |
14 | Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main | GUF | Germany |
15 | Universitaet Rostock | UROS | Germany |
16 | Norges miljo- og biovitenskapliga universitetet | NMBU | Norway |
17 | Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority | NRPA | Norway |
18 | Nasjonalt Folkehelseinstitutt | NIPH | Norway |
19 |
Agenzia Nazionale per le Nuove Tecnologie, l’Energia e lo Sviluppo Economico Sostenibile |
Italy |
20 | Institute for Environmental Sciences | IES | Japan |
21 | Dublin Institute of Technology | DIT | Ireland |
22 |
Erasmus Universitair Medisch Centrum Rotterdam |
Erasmus MC |
Netherland |
23 | Oxford Brookes University | OBU | UK |
24 | Brunel University | UBRUN | UK |
25 |
“Frédéric Joliot Curie” National Research Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene |
Hungary |
26 |
National Radiation Protection Institute |
Czech Republic |
27 | NUVIA Limited | NUVIA | UK |
28 | Atomic Weapons Establishment | AWE | UK |
29 | Universitaet des Saarlandes | USAAR | Germany |
30 | Leiden University Medical Center | LUMC | Netherlands |
31 | Universität der Bundeswehr München | UBWM | Germany |
32 | Ludwig‐Maximilians‐ Universität München | LMU | Germany |
33 | Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski” | SUN | Bulgaria |
34 | Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine | NIOM | Poland |
35 | Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology | MIHE | Poland |
36 | Jagiellonian University | UJ | Poland |