Work packages
WP structure and brief information on the main aspects of each WP
The DoReMi project was built on seven work packages:
WP1 Network coordination and Management
Lead: Sisko Salomaa, STUK
The purpose of this WP was to ensure the effective administrative and financial management of the project in order to reach a good synergy between the partners. The overall objective of the managerial organisation was to provide necessary structures for participatory and efficient decision-making and coordination of RTD and other activities, fluent day-to-day management including flow of information and financing, reporting to EC, as well as providing support and guidance on project activities. The tasks related to this are:
- Overall legal, contractual and administrative management
- Overall financial management
- Establishment and implementation of the quality assurance (QA) activities
- Periodic meetings and activities of the General Assembly (GA), Management Board (MB) and External Advisory Board (EAB)
- Follow-up for Performance indicators
- Management of flexibility funding
- Contingency planning
WP2 Structuring of MELODI
Lead: Dietrich Averbeck, IRSN/CEA
As part of DoReMi, the main aim of WP2 was to help develop the MELODI platform for the long term promotion of interactive and integrative research on low dose health risks in Europe. To generate new dynamism and new interactions between scientists of different fields, DoReMi initiated the following activities that will be further strengthened in MELODI:
- Development of a Joint Program of Integration
- Development of a Transitional Research Agenda (TRA) together with a Roadmap for DoReMi activities, covering the main research issues identified by HLEG
- Development of a long term Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) for integrated low dose research in Europe and the corresponding Roadmap for MELODI,
- Development of suitable dissemination tools for spreading information, knowledge and excellence including open, interconnected, public websites for DoReMi and MELODI,
- Involvement of experts contributing additional and new expertise and integration of new partners.
WP2 dealt with the strategic planning of research as well as the dissemination activities. The RTD tasks are: the establishment and updating of a Joint Program of Integration (Task 2.1), and the establishment and updating of a Transitional Research Agenda and Joint Program of Research (Task 2.2). The dissemination tasks are: the establishment and updating of the Joint Program of Spreading Excellence (Task 2.3), and seeking support of experts and new partners for integration (Task 2.4). All DoReMi partners participate in WP2 activities.
WP3 Training & Education
Lead: Andrea Ottolenghi, UNIPV
The main aim of WP3 was to help attract and support the top-level well-trained research scientists who will spear-head the low-dose radiation risk research community for the coming decades;
- To contribute to dissemination of the DoReMi RTD through T+E courses and events based at the centres of excellence in the DoReMi consortium;
- To facilitate the networking of training and research institutions by focusing on multi-centre events and courses;
- To provide funding support to T+E in a way that maximally benefits both the DoReMi RTD programme and also the larger European research community in the longer term.
WP4 Infrastructures
Lead: Laure Sabatier, CEA
Infrastructures are essential in order to fulfil low dose risk research objectives. Many types of facilities are required ranging from radiation facilities like large accelerators to data bases, human cohorts, tissue banks and platforms for sample analysis. The WP4 objectives are:
- To describe available facilities
- To identify the needs for existing facilities and for new ones with WP5,6,7
- To define with WP2 the infrastructures to be implemented within this NoE and those implemented with MELODI support in order to set-up sustainable funding
- To facilitate access to infrastructures in collaboration with WP3
- To launch calls for infrastructure accesses in collaboration with WP1, 2,5,6,7
- To give DoReMi participants access to the UMB irradiation facility
- To integrate the STORE platform into DoReMi and implement it as a pointer to existing datasets and biomaterial and/or a long-term data storage
Infrastructures programme enlargement:
4.1 | Survey of existing facilities for low dose risk research | CEA | 2010 |
4.2 | Characterization of infrastructure needs and roadmap of implementation | CEA | 2010 |
4.3 | Implementation of DoReMi support activities for shared infrastructures | CEA | 2010 |
4.4 | Development and implementation of access to Infrastructure | CEA | 2010 |
4.5 | Open Access to the UMB low dose irradiation facility (FIGARO) | UMB | 2011 |
4.6 | Dose/Dose-rate Radiation Effects in Brain Cancer Risk (DDRE-BrainCancer) | ENEA | 2011 |
4.7 | Low dose/dose rate gamma irradiation facility for in vitro biological systems (LIBIS) | ISS | 2012 |
4.8 | Integration of STORE into DoReMi as a trustable and viable database and/or pointer to biobanks and ascertain sustainability | BfS | 2012 |
4.9 | Provision of ion microbeam irradiation facility SNAKE (MicroRAD) | UBWM | 2013 |
4.10 | Laboratory infrastructure for retrospective radon and thoron dosimetry (RETRODOS) | SUN | 2014 |
WP5 Shape of Dose-Response
Lead: Simon Bouffler, DH-PHE
The two over-arching objectives of WP5 are:
- To improve knowledge of low dose/dose rate radiation cancer risk in humans
- To improve low dose/dose-rate risk projection models based on knowledge of the processes that drive carcinogenesis
Shape of dose response programme enlargement:
5.1 | Phase –shifts in responses and processes at high/low doses and dose rates | SU | 2010 |
5.1.1 | Low dose Gene Expression signature (LoGiC) | Erasmus MC | 2011 |
5.2 | Assessing the relative contribution of targeted (DNA), non-targeted and systemic processes to radiation carcinogenesis | OBU | 2010 |
5.2.1 | Modulation of Inflammation by low and moderate dose Ionising Radiation (ModInIR) | UKER | 2011 |
5.3 | The dynamics of pre-neoplastic change and clonal development | PHE | 2010 |
5.4 | Mathematical models to link experimental findings and epidemiological data | HMGU | 2010 |
5.5 | Assessing the risk from internal exposures | IRSN | 2010 |
5.5.1 | Internal Emitters in Uranium Miners (INTEMITUM) | SURO | 2013 |
5.5.2 | Assembly of internal radiation dose for UKAEA and AWE epidemiology cohorts (AIRDoseUK) | Nuvia | 2013 |
5.6 | Track structures and initial events: an integrated approach to assess the issue of radiation quality dependence (INITIUM) | UNIPV | 2012 |
5.7 | Induction and facilitation of chromothripsis by low dose ionizing radiation (In-FaCT-IR) | LMUC | 2013 |
5.8 | Concerted Action for an Integrated (biology-dosimetry-epidemiology) Research project on Occupational Uranium Exposure (CURE) | IRSN | 2013 |
5.9 | Low dose radiation-induced non-targeter effects in vivo: the role of microvesicles in signal transduction (Rad-Mvivo) | OBU | 2014 |
5.10 | Effects of Chronic LOw-dose Gamma Irradiation on GAstrointestinal Tumorigenesis (CLOGICAT) | PHE | 2014 |
WP6 Individual sensitivities
Lead: Michael J. Atkinson, HMGU
To provide the molecular and experimental evidence needed to assess the plausibility of radiation protection practices that incorporate variables specific to the individual in assessing risk at low doses and low dose rates. As per the HLEG roadmap we will focus on identifying the causes and contribution of heritable differences in the sensitivity of individuals to the carcinogenic effects of low doses and low dose rates. The work package will perform 11 tasks that are designed to complement studies in WP5 and WP7, to open DoReMi via open calls and to develop MELODI as a platform to leverage additional radiation protection funding from national sources. WP6 will also work within MELODI to coordinate activities in characterising individual susceptibility with international research efforts with the existing low dose programmes in the US and Japan.
Individual sensitivities programme enlargement:
6.1 | Molecular epidemiological studies to address the role of individual genetic variation in determining susceptibility to low doses | CREAL | 2010 |
6.2 | Identification of genetic modifiers of individual cancer susceptibility and their mechanisms of action | HMGU | 2010 |
6.3 | Modelling of the effects on risk prediction models due to changes in biological processes influenced by genetic variability | HMGU | 2010 |
6.4 | The effect of genetic modifiers on carcinogenesis following low doserateexposure | HMGU | 2010 |
6.5 | Contribution of genetic and epigenetic mechanisms that indirectly influence susceptibility to radiation-induced cancer | SU | 2010 |
6.6 | Implementation of the DoReMi strategy for a large scale molecular epidemiological study to quantify genetic contribution to individual susceptibility | CREAL | 2010 |
6.7 | Planning expansion of research portfolio | HMGU | 2010 |
6.8 | Predicting individual radiation sensitivity with Raman microspectroscopy (PRISM) | DIT | 2011 |
6.9 | Integrating radiation biomarker into epidemiology of post-Chernobyl thyroid cancer from Belarus (INT-Thyr) | CREAL | 2012 |
6.10 | Characterization of DNA lesions in the nuclear ultrastructure of differentiated and tissue-specific stem cells after protracted low-dose radiation (Zif-TEM) | USAAR | 2013 |
6.11 | Mechanism of low dose response to ionizing radiation and its significance in radiation protection (RADSENS) | SU | 2013 |
WP7 Non-cancer effects
Lead: Jean-René Jourdain, IRSN
The overarching strategic objective of WP7 is to implement a long-term, integrated approach involving several disciplines, namely, epidemiology, radiobiology, immunology and toxicology, for the purpose of risk evaluation for radiation-induced non-cancer effects. The epidemiological evidence for the non-cancer effects of low doses is still suggestive rather than persuasive and the multi targeted biological effects observed in chronically exposed experimental models with internal emitters are quite puzzling. At present, no convincing mechanistic explanations are available that can account for the findings observed.
To elucidate these scientific issues, a cross scientific network of experts in epidemiology, radiopathology, cell/molecular biology, immunology and toxicology is needed, to formulate open questions to be addressed, choose working hypotheses, design relevant cohort studies, decide on experimental models and protocols, and organize dedicated workshops.
Such an integrated view with shared common approaches should facilitate the interpretation and synthesis of results and should certainly help to better define future orientations.
Non-cancer effects programme enlargement:
7.1 | Structuring the research effort on non-cancer effects according to the HLEG roadmap: organisation of consultation/exploratory meetings and funding integrative RTD projects | IRSN | 2010 |
7.2 | Preparation of a pilot study to conduct molecular epidemiology studies in vascular radiation damage | BfS | 2010 |
7.3 | Feasibility study towards a systems biology approach of radiation response of the endothelium | SU | 2010 |
7.4 | Pilot epidemiological study of lens opacities among a cohort of interventional radiologists and cardiologists | IRSN | 2010 |
7.4.1 | Lens opacities: Methodology implementation (ELDO) | SCK-CEN | 2012 |
7.5 | Pilot study of external irradiation versus internal contamination effects on neurogenesis | SCK-CEN | 2010 |
7.6 | Study on contribution of low dose X-radiation in induction of anti-inflammation | UKER | 2011 |
7.7 | Low dose Gene Expression signature and its impact on Cardiovascular disease (LoGiC) | Erasmus MC | 2011 |
7.8 | Study on contribution of low dose X-radiation in induction of cataractogenesis and influencing genetic and cell communication factors (LDR-OPTI-GEN) | OBU | 2013 |
7.9 | Low and moderate dose radiation effects on brain microvascular pericytes: epigenetic mechanisms and functional consequences (PERIRAD) | NRIRR | 2013 |
7.10 | Influence of a chronic LD and LDR exposure onto the development of Parkinson symptoms in genetically predisposed Pitx3-EYL/EYL Ogg1-/-mouse mutant (OSTINATO) | HMGU | 2013 |
7.11 | Epidemiological pilot study on radiation-induced cataract in interventional cardiology (EVAMET) | NIOM | 2014 |
7.12 | Effect of low doses of low-LET radiation on impaired vascular endothelium (ELDORENDO) | MIHE | 2014 |
7.13 | Low-dose ionizing radiation-induced cataracts in the mouse: invivo and invitro studies (RadCat) | HMGU | 2014 |