News and updates
MELODI 2025 workshop annoucement
The 7th Topical MELODI Workshop, which will be organized by ENEA in Rome, Italy, 18-19 February, 2025 focuses on radiation effects in the central nervous system. As usual, the participation and accommodation costs (for 2 nights) for 1 participant/MELODI organization...
The call for the MELODI Award 2023 targeting young researchers is now open for applications.
The call for the MELODI Award 2023 targeting young researchers is now open for applications. Application deadline: 22 June 2023. The candidates will be informed about the selection procedure by 31 August 2023. The winner will be invited to the 7th European Radiation...
Registration for the MELODI WORKSHOP 2023 “Updates on radiation-induced circulatory diseases”, 30.5.2023 – 2.6.2023, is now open! Please see the flyer for more information.
2022 MELODI Strategic Research Agenda and SRA statement
The 2022 MELODI Strategic Research Agenda and SRA statement have now been finalised post-consultation, the final SRA can be seen here and the final 2022 SRA Statement can be viewed here,
7th International Workshop on the Causes of Childhood Leukemia
28-30 November 2022 at Kolpinghaus in Munich, Germany. On a nearly bi-annual basis, the BfS (Federal Office for Radiation Protection) - and varying partners - jointly organized six scientific meetings to discuss the knowns and unknowns and to define a long-term...
MELODI stipends for Ukrainian researchers
MELODI announces two 1-year stipends of 30 K€ each, meaning 2.5 K€ per stipend per month to support Ukrainian scientists to undertake research related to the MELODI SRA. Eligible applicants must be of Ukrainian citizenship, aged under 65, living either in Ukraine or...
European Radiation Protection Week 2022
The European Radiation Protection Week 2022 (ERPW-2022), will take place on 9-14 October 2022, at Congress Centre of Estoril, Portugal. The call for abstracts is due on March 1. Visit the website at
2021 Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) and SRA Statement now available
Following a website consultation period final versions of the 2021 SRA and SRA Statement are now available HERE. The SRA Working Group are grateful for the constructive comments received and hope that the MELODI membership will find the documents useful in planning...
MELODI Award dedline extended to 13. September 2021
MELODI AWARD 2021 time schedule: Application deadline: 13 September 2021 The candidates will be informed about the selection procedure by 20 October 2021. The winner will be invited to the 5th European Radiation Protection Week 2021 (ERPW 2021) held in Vienna, 22-25...
2021 MELODI Statement
Alongside the updated SRA, a new MELODI Statement for 2021 is now available for comment here. The Statements are issued to inform on relevant topics for inclusion in EC, national and EC funded project calls for research proposals. Comments are invited on this...
MELODI Strategic Research Agenda 2021
The SRA working group has recently completed a revision of the MELODI SRA, available here. As usual, we are inviting comments on this consultation draft. Please use the comment box in the full news story to post any comments you may have. The consultation period...
5th European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW)
5th European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW) 22–24 November 2021 Billrothhaus Vienna, Austria The conference will be organised as a hybrid event, allowing for onsite and online participation. The 5th ERPW is organised by EURAMED (supported by EIBIR) on behalf of the...
MELODI young researcher award 2021
Submission of applications for the MELODI 2021 young researcher award 2021 is now open. Application deadline is 1 September 2021. The award will be presented in the frame of the 5th European Radiation Protection Week 2021 (ERPW 2021), Vienna, 22-25 November 2021. For...
MELODI SRA WG meeting summary – 11 May 2021
MELODI Strategic Research Agenda Working Group Meeting Summary – 11 May 2021 The MELODI SRA Working Group met on 11 May 2021 by web conference, this note provides a brief summary of discussions: Overview of MELODI activities and the evolving US low dose radiation...
In memorial of Wolfgang Weiss
It is with our deepest sorrow that we inform of the death of Wolfgang Weiss, the former Head of the Radiation Protection and Health Department at the Federal Office for Radiation Protection, Germany, the co-founder of MELODI and its first chair. Wolfgang significantly...
Workshop on Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) for radiation effects
Dear MELODI and ALLIANCE Colleagues, we are pleased to announce that a Workshop on Adverse Outcome Pathways (AOP) for radiation effects will be held from 12 to 16 April 2021 (every afternoon). The workshop is organized by the Institute of Radioprotection and...
MELODI statement 2020
MELODI Strategic Research Agenda Working Group The MELODI SRA WG is responsible for the development and updating of the MELODI SRA. Drafts are produced for comment and endorsement by the MELODI membership. In addition to the SRA, the SRA WG develops MELODI Statements...
Covid-19 pandemic –> ERPW 2020 postponed to 2021
ERPW IS POSTPONED to 2021 Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the associated uncertainties, impact and repercussions at multiple levels, the Scientific and Organizing Committees of ERPW2020 decided, together with the European research platforms, to postpone the...
EJP-CONCERT European Joint Programme for the Integration of Radiation ProtectionResearchH2020 – 662287D 3.3 –Third Annual Joint priority list Lead Author: Filip VanhavereWith contributions from: members of the radiation protection research platforms MELODI, ALLIANCE,...