MELODI Strategic Research Agenda Working Group
Meeting Summary – 11 May 2021
The MELODI SRA Working Group met on 11 May 2021 by web conference, this note provides a brief summary of discussions:
- Overview of MELODI activities and the evolving US low dose radiation research programme. The meeting was attended by Rania Kosti (US National Academies of Sciences) and Andrzej Wojcik (MELODI chair). AW provided a summary of the key activities of MELODI and RK outlined the background and evolution of low dose radiation research in the US. RK noted a US NAS study to develop the US programme further, welcoming suggestions for nominations to the group.
- Revision of the Strategic Research Agenda. It was agreed that a minor update of the SRA should be developed, noting recent MELODI workshops and related research projects.
- SRA Statement 2021. It was agreed that a 2021 Statement should be developed to help inform calls anticipated from the EC and a potential new European Partnership. The Statement will include a strengthened section of the fundamental importance of low dose health risk research. Topics to highlight were agreed to be the effects of inhomogeneous exposures and variation in individual radiation sensitivity.
- MELODI workshops. Publications from the 2019 workshop on non-cancer diseases are now available in Environment International. The 2020 (Inhomogeneous exposures) and 2021 (Adverse outcome pathways) workshops had run successfully in online format with the latter leading to the formation of small working groups to consider the development of AOPs for radiation diseases/pathologies. Review publications are anticipated.
The MELODI Executive had agreed that the 2022 workshop topic would be Transgenerational Effects, Sisko Salomaa would lead the organisation.
Other topics proposed/under consideration:
- Space/cosmic radiation
- Radiation quality
- Disease specific workshops for the various non-cancer disease endpoints.
- Radiation and Immune system;
- Radiation impacts on aging/senescence;
- Health effects of diagnostic radiation exposures;
- Evidence for health risks at doses below 100mGy should be added to the current list of proposals