MELODI announces two 1-year stipends of 30 K€ each, meaning 2.5 K€ per stipend per month to support Ukrainian scientists to undertake research related to the MELODI SRA. Eligible applicants must be of Ukrainian citizenship, aged under 65, living either in Ukraine or having fled the war to any country (except Russia and Belarus). The stipends will be paid directly to the awardee and the research project should be based in a MELODI member institute or in Ukraine in collaboration with a MELODI member institute. Interested applicants should apply by email to The application email should include the completed application form, a motivation letter and a CV. In the motivation letter you should describe your research interests and expertise. Inclusion of a supporting letter from a potential hosting institution is encouraged but not required. A list of MELODI member institutes is included at the end of this document with contact details. On the application form please specify the name of the lab that you would wish to work at (if you know it) and/or mark the country where you would be ready to work. The deadline for applications is 31 August 2022. During September 2022 the MELODI Executive Council members will evaluate the applications and select successful awardees and host laboratories. The project preferably should start not later than 1 January 2023, but the awardees may negotiate the start date with the host laboratory.
MELODI 2025 workshop annoucement
The 7th Topical MELODI Workshop, which will be organized by ENEA in Rome, Italy, 18-19 February, 2025 focuses on radiation effects in the central nervous system. As usual, the participation and accommodation costs (for 2 nights) for 1 participant/MELODI organization...