OPERRA’s 1st Periodic Meeting 14-16 January 2015
All presentations can be accessed via the OPERRA workspace (https://extranet.sckcen.be).
Dear OPERRA Participants,
Please, find below some information regarding OPERRA’s 1st Periodic Meeting that will be organised on 14-16 January 2015 in Munich,GERMANY, starting on the 14th in the morning and ending on the 16th in afternoon.
You would help organising coffee/tea and lunch if you registered. To that end, fill in the registration form and send to operra@bfs.de with the subject “registration” by 23 December 2014 at the latest.
The conference dinner will take place on Thursday 15th in the evening. Please indicate when you register whether you are going to attend the conference dinner. Please indicate your choices from the menu.
click here.
Meeting Venue
The meeting will take place on the HMGU/BfS campus in Oberschleissheim (Neuherberg) just north of Munich (approximately 15 kilometers from the City Centre).
The address of the meeting venue is:
Ingolstaedter Landstrasse 1
85764 Oberschleissheim (Neuherberg) GERMANY
The following links give information on directions towards (http://www.bfs.de/en/bfs/wir/adressen/neuherberg.html) and location of the HMGU/BfS campus (http://goo.gl/maps/6Onwv).
Meeting Rooms
The general meeting will be held in HMGU’s Auditorium, while smaller meeting rooms are available in the BfS Building (walking distance less than 5 minutes)
There is no registration fee for the periodic meeting. Meeting facilities, tea/coffee breaks, lunches and the meeting dinner are covered.
Please note that the travel and accomodation costs need to be paid by participants. All travel and hotel arrangements are on participants’ own responsibility.
There are plenty of hotels in Munich. There is no pre-booking made but participants are requested to make their own arrangements for accomodation by using our list of suggested hotels. The location of the hotels can be found here, while the numbers on this map correspond to the number given in the list.
Public Transportation
There will be two bus lines going to and from the campus. The new bus line, which will start operation in December, is not yet on the link given above.
More information about the local transportation can be found here: http://www.mvv-muenchen.de/en/homepage/index.html.
In case you have any questions / need for help? Just contact operra@bfs.de.
OPERRA will exploit the synergies of EURATOM and other EC programmes considering the most relevant joint programme areas and mechanisms for funding joint activities. The project will also strengthen the links with national funding programmes as well as the European education and training structures. Also, it will take steps towards a greater involvement of those new Member States who could benefit from increased participation in the radiation research programmes. Finally, OPERRA will take steps to further integrate the joint use of infrastructures in European countries, and to develop and facilitate an easier access to research infrastructures.
The final objective of this project is to build up an umbrella coordination structure that has the capacity in a legal and logistical sense to administer future calls for research in radiation protection as a whole (including low-dose risk, radioecology, nuclear emergency management, and also research activities related to the medical uses of ionising radiation) on behalf of the European Commission. OPERRA will prepare the organisation for a first competitive call by the end of 2013 for projects in low-dose risk research and a second competitive call in 2014 for broader projects in radiation protection research, subject to the approval of EC services, with the support of a “Go-between” administrator operator and an external advisory entity.