Infrastructures Workgroup – INFRA
MELODI is a platform, in accordance with relevant European Union policies. It contributes to the priority objectives in the research area of radiation protection, identification of research programs and resources to be implemented in order to achieve these objectives, assessment of results obtained, and promotion of communication on these issues between the various parties involved. Among the “tools” identified by the HLEG to be essential for research on low doses, infrastructures appear as an important resource for achieving the SRA goals.
Experimental research is considered as largely dependent on the availability of:
1) appropriate sources/beams reliable, capable of delivering a range of radiations, robust and accurate;
2) reliable databases, cohorts, bio-banks;
3) analysis platforms.
The current state of infrastructures for low dose research: radiation facilities, databases and tissue banks, large experimental facilities, cohorts, demonstrates the need to rationalize their use and their access, to develop their sustainability.
The works and infrastructures that have been used among the Euratom projects, primarily DoReMi, OPERRA and CONCERT have led to the most recent database AIR²D² and a web-handbook issued from activities dedicated to infrastructures visibility through AIR².
Objectives (period 2020-2022)
The field of interest of the INFRA WG is the promotion and supporting the use of suitable infrastructures during projects connected to the scientific areas identified by MELODI.
The INFRA WG will seek to identify, to support, to foster and to promote initiatives about:
- Maintaining, adapting and updating tools/lists/databases about existing infrastructures,
- Developing indicators, cartographies in order to analyze the actual landscape and its evolutions,
- Editing a SWOT, identifying lacks, gaps and future needs about relevant infrastructures suitable to carry out research priorities developed in the MELODI SRA and roadmap,
- Identifying infrastructures needs and prioritize them, regarding their sustainability
- Making recommendations about building a possible european network of infrastructures for radiation protection research,
- Establishing a roadmap taking into account access, maintenance, and future needs,
- Supporting initiatives to be funded: intercomparisons, continuing professional development of young and confirmed scientists on infrastructures…..
Working methods
- The main method of work will be the drafting and review of documents electronically.
- Virtual and/or face-to-face meetings will be called and organized by the WG chair when required on the basis of availability of members. Minutes will be edited.
Work plan
- The INFRA WG prepares initial documents considered as necessary.
- The INFRA WG provides an annual report of its activities for the MELODI Executive Council.
- The INFRA WG meets (face-to-face or virtually) at least once a year to review progress and to update documents issued from its works if necessary.
- The infrastructures WG contributes to the MELODI Strategic Agenda and Roadmap, in close collaboration with the other MELODI WGs, to be included in the MELODI documents.
- The INFRA WG looks for opportunities and possible financial support for E&T actions on infrastructures.
- The INFRA WG collaborates with the infrastructures contact points of the other radiation protection platforms (Alliance, Eurados, Neris, Euramed, Share).
Jean-Michel Dolo (chair) | CEA | France |
Deborah Oughton (vice-chair) | NMBU | Norway |
Jean-François Bottollier-Depois | IRSN | France |
Lorenzo Manti | INFN | Italy |
Jana Djounova | NCRRP | Bulgaria |
Ursula Oestreicher | BfS | Germany |
Laurent Olivier | IRSN | France |
Sisko Salomaa | UEF | Finland |
Maria-Antonella Tabocchini | ISS | Italy |
Isabelle Thierry-Chef | ISGlobal | Spain |