5th Workshop

October 2013 – Brussels, Belgium

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The Fifth International MELODI Workshop (www.melodi2013.org) was organized by SCK•CEN, the Belgian Nuclear Research Centre. It was held from 7th – 10th October 2013 in Brussels. The workshop offered a unique opportunity to update your knowledge and discuss low-dose research issues, as well as to be involved in the MELODI Low Dose Research Platform.

Official 5th Workshop Webpage

View official 5th Workshop webpage HERE.

Presentations of the 5th MELODI Workshop

8 OCTOBER 2013

MELODI Workshop Opening Ceremony

Moderator: Frank Hardeman (SCK•CEN, BE)
SCK•CEN, Frank Hardeman
Horizon 2020, Euratom and Radiation Research, Bruno Schmitz (EC)
WHO, Ausra Kesminiene
UNSCEAR, Emil Bédi
ICRP, William F. Morgan
MELODI, Jacques Repussard



Moderator: Frank Hardeman (SCK•CEN, BE) and Thomas Jung (BfS, DE)
Session sponsored by MELODI, ALLIANCE, NERIS and EURADOS

ALLIANCE 1st SRA/Priorities, Hildegarde Vandenhove (SCK•CEN, BE)

NERIS 1st SRA/Priorities, Wolfgang Raskob (KIT, DE)

EURADOS 1st SRA/Priorities, Werner Rühm (HMGU, DE)

MELODI 4th SRA/Priorities, Dietrich Averbeck (IRSN/CEA, FR)


Fukushima: Emergency, Dosimetry, Environment, Health

Moderators: Jean-René Jourdain (IRSN, F) & Johan Camps (SCK•CEN, BE)
Session sponsored by COMET

UNSCEAR Fukushima Report : UNSCEAR’s Assessment of Levels and Effects of Radiation Exposure due to the Nuclear Accident after the 2011 Great East-Japan Earthquake and Tsunami, Jean-René Jourdain (IRSN, FR)

WHO Fukushima Report, Richard Wakeford (UMan, UK)

Ultrasonography Surveys and Thyroid Cancer after the Fukushima Accident, Peter Jacob (HMGU, DE)

Response of SCK•CEN to the Fukushima Nuclear Accident in the Context of the Protection of Belgian Citizens, Johan Camps (SCK•CEN, BE)

Cytogenetic Analysis of Restoration Workers for Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station Accident, Yumiko Suto (NIRS, JP)

A Possible Warning from Fukushima: A Preliminary Analysis of Radiation Dose and Occurrence of Thyroid Nodules Using City and Village Level Data” is accepted in the session “Fukushima: Emergency, Dosimetry, Environment, Health, Yutaka Hamaoka (Keio University, JP)


Improvement on Collaboration on Infrastructures and Biobanks Available within EU Projects

Moderators: Laurence Sabatier (CEA, FR) & Liviu-Cristian Mihailescu (SCK•CEN, BE)

Irradiations Facilities for Biological Samples – Towards the Ideal Installation,
Liviu-Cristian Mihailescu (SCK•CEN, BE)

Survey on Existing Infrastructures, Analysis of Platforms Including High-Throughput Technologies,
William Hempel (CEA, FR)

Determining the Most Appropriate Cohorts for Low Dose Research Purposes: a Multidimensional Puzzle,
Eileen Pernot (CREAL, ES)

Study of Radiation Related Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD) Using Animal Models, Norio Takahashi (RERF, JP)

Chernobyl Tissue Bank – a Quality Assured Resource for Systems Biology of Radiation Induced Thyroid Cancer, Gerry A. Thomas (Charing Cross Hospital, GB)


DoReMi Education & Training Forum

Moderators: Michèle Coeck (SCK•CEN, BE) and Andrea Ottolenghi (UP, IT)
Session sponsored by DoReMi

Welcome, Andrea Ottolenghi (UP, IT)

Introduction to the Forum Purposes & Themes, Vere Smyth (UP, IT)

What Should We Be Focussing On? Vere Smyth (UP, IT)

What Was Originally Intended by HLEG?, Mike Atkinson (HMGU, DE)

E&T for Life-long-learning and Continuous Professional Development (CPD), George Van Goethem (EC)

E&T for Radiation Protection: EUTERP Initiatives, Michèle Coeck (SCK•CEN, BE)

E&T Initiatives in the SRAs of the Other Technology Platforms:

ALLIANCEDeborah Oughton

NERIS, Wolfgang Raskob

EURADOS, Werner Rühm

Moderators: Sisko Salomaa (STUK, FI) & Hans Vanmarcke (SCK•CEN, BE)

UNSCEAR White Paper: Biological Mechanisms of Radiation Actions at Low Doses, Simon Bouffler (PHE, UK)
Bouffler_UNSCEAR White Paper Presentation
Presentation Bouffler – UNSCEAR White Paper

Article 31 RIHSS Report on Individual Radiosensitivity, Patrick Smeesters (former FANC, BE)

UNSCEAR Report on Attribution of Health Effects, Wolfgang Müller (UEssen, DE)


Radiation Effects on Wildlife

Moderators: Hildegarde Vandenhove (SCK•CEN, BE) & Thomas Hinton (IRSN, FR)
Session sponsored by STAR

Effect of Fukushima-Derived Radionuclides on the Physiology and Phenotype Expression of Birds Living in the Fukushima 80 km Area, Christelle Adam (IRSN, FR)

From Lab-based Ecotoxicity Tests Towards Evaluating Radiation Protection Criteria for Wildlife: Lemna Minor as an Example, Nele Horemans (SCK•CEN, BE)

The Cosmic Silence Experiment: Modulation of Stress Response Mechanisms in Living Systems Exposed to Different Radiation Environments, Maria Antonella Tabocchini (ISS, IT)

Lifetime Study in Mice: Low-dose Radiation Cataracts and Further Non-cancer Effects, Claudia Dalke (HMGU, DE)


DoReMi Education & Training Forum

Moderators: Michèle Coeck (SCK•CEN, BE) and Andrea Ottolenghi (UP, IT)
Session sponsored by DoReMi

Survival in a Changing Environment, Vere Smyth (UP, IT<)

E&T in Horizon 2020, George Van Goethem (EC)

Scope and Strategy of the European Nuclear Education Network, Walter Ambrosini (UP, IT)

The Development of a MELODI Policy for E&T, Thomas Jung (BFS, DE)

E&T in DoReMi, MELODI and OPERRA, Andrea Ottolenghi (UP, IT)


9 OCTOBER 2013

MELODI Recent Developments – MELODI Award Ceremony

Summary of the Former Day
Moderators: Bernd Grosche (BfS, DE) & Maria Blettner (Umainz, DE)
Sponsored by BfS

MELODI Recent Developments, Jacques Repussard (IRSN, FR)

MELODI Award Presentation: 3-D Skin and Lung Epithelial Models for Radiation Biology Studies,
Anna Acheva (STUK, FI)

MELODI Award Presentation: Systems Radiation Biology to Model Non-linear Effects, Luca Mariotti (UP, IT)


Plenary: Radiation Effects on Human Health

Moderators: Sarah Baatout (SCK•CEN, BE) & Maria Blettner (Umainz, DE)
Sponsored by BfS

Strategic Research towards Cognitive and Cerebrovascular Effects of Radiation, Rafi Benotmane (SCK•CEN, BE)

Exposure of the Eye Lens and Cataract Risk, Roy Shore (RERF, JP)

Heart Disease after Radiotherapy in Breast Cancer Patients, Sarah Darby (Oxford U, UK)

The Expression of Long Non-coding RNAs is Influenced by Exposure to Low Dose Irradiation, Nataša Anastasov (HMGU, DE)

Open Discussion about the Importance of Genetics and Epigenetics within the MELODI Strategic Agenda, Moderators: Roel Quintens and Nataša Anastasov


New Developments in Dosimetry

Moderators: Filip Vanhavere (SCK•CEN, BE) & Werner Rühm (HMGU, DE)
Session sponsored by EURADOS

Operational Dose Quantities for External Radiation Exposure – Deficiencies and Options, David Bartlett (former PHE, UK)

Towards a Quantification of Radiation Quality by Nanodosimetry, Hans Rabus (PTB, DE)

Dose Distribution of Alpha and Auger-emitters in Lungs and Kidneys and at Cellular Level, Weibo Li (HMGU, DE)

Eye lens dosimetry: Results from the ELDO Project, Lara Struelens (SCK•CEN, BE)

Dosimetry in Diagnostic Medical Imaging: State of the Art and New Developments, Annalisa Trianni (AOUUD, IT)

Device Dependent Exposure and Quality of Imaging in Computed Tomography Examinations, Eeva Salminen (STUK, FI)

The Use of a Graphics Library in Multisource Modelling for Out-of-field Head Scatter Assessment, Jérémi Vu Bezin (Inserm, FR)

The European Medical ALARA Network (EMAN), Padovani Renato (EFOMP, IT)


Mixed Exposure

Moderators: Nele Horemans (SCK•CEN, BE) & Per Eriksson (Uppsala University, SE)

Testing Radiation Effects in a Multiple Contaminant Context: an Overview of Different Concepts to Predict Mixture Toxicity, Nele Horemans (SCK•CEN, BE)

Trans-generational Radiation-Induced Chromosomal Instability in the Female Enhances the Action of Chemical Mutagens, Aurora Ruiz-Herrera (UAB, ES)

Combined Radiation and Chemotherapy, Eeva Salminen (STUK, FI)

Co-exposure to Gamma Radiation and Nicotine During a Critical Period of Neonatal Brain Development Can Enhance Cognitive Defects in Adult Mice, Per Eriksson (Uppsala University, SE)

Genotoxic and Reproductive Effects of Chronic Low dose-rate Gamma-irradiation and Reduced Selenium Status in Repair-deficient Male Mice (Ogg1-/-), Ann-Karin Olsen (NIPH, NO)


High-Throughput Technologies: Advantages, Limitations and Future Challenges

Moderators: Hussein el-Saghire (SCK•CEN, BE) & Leon Mullenders (LUMC, NL)

MELODI SRA and the Integration of High-Throughput Technologies as Central Players in Low Dose Research, Hussein el-Saghire (SCK•CEN, BE

Gene Expression to Elucidate the Biological Impact of Low and Very Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation: a Hurdle Race, Gaëtan Gruel (IRSN, FR)

Radiogenomics and Adverse Effects in Radiotherapy Patients, Hubert Thierens (UGent, BE

Modelling Low Dose and Chronic Irradiations, Alessandro Campa (ISS, IT)


Radiopharmaceuticals and Radiotherapy

Moderators: Nathalie Impens (SCK•CEN, BE) & Tony Lahoutte (VUB, BE

Molecular Radiotherapy: How Much Dose is the Patient Really Getting?, Vere Smyth (UP, IT)

Special Requirements in the Development of Biokinetic Models for Radiopharmeceuticals, Dietmar Nosske (BfS, DE)

Towards a DTPA-Therapy Model, Bastian Breustedt (KIT, DE)

Transcriptional Effects on Normal Tissues after Administration of 211At in Mice, Eva Forssell-Aronsson (Gothenburg Univ., SE)

Dosimetry and Radiobiology for Peptide Receptor Radionuclide Therapy (PRRT), Mark Konijnenberg (Erasmus MC, NL)


Prenatal, Young Age Exposure and Transgenerational Effects on Animals and Plants

Moderators: Hanane Derradji (SCK•CEN, BE) & Patrick Smeesters (former FANC, BE)

Current Knowledge on Radiation-induced Effects of Prenatal Exposure and Transgenerational Effects: a Precautionary Perspective, Patrick Smeesters (former FANC, BE)

Developmental Effects and Chromosomal Instability after Irradiation of Early Mammalian Embryos, Paul Jacquet (SCK•CEN, BE)

The Dose and Dose-rate Effects of Paternal Irradiation on Transgenerational Instability in Mice: a Radiotherapy Connection, Yuri Dubrova (LU, UK)

A Worm’s Eye View of Trans-generational Effects, Deborah Oughton (UMB, NO)

Risk Communication and Risk Perception: How Can Science Help Us?

Moderator: Tanja Perko (SCK•CEN)

Do we know how to communicate scientific uncertainty, radiation units, risk probabilities? Can social science and humanities enhance our understanding of radiological risk perception? All this and more on the FP7 OPERRA workshop exploring the needs for future research on perception and communication of radiation risks in the domain of low doses and medical use of ionizing radiation. The purpose is to lay the foundation for a discussion between social, human and natural sciences. The main challenges and gaps will be highlighted by invited speakers involved in both theoretical research and practice, and then the floor will be yours. Together we will try to identify the main issues, as well as potential topics for new research related to risk perception and risk communication. These topics would be included by the European Commission in the programme calls concerning the radiation research area.

Booth – MELODI Workshop, Peter Booth (UK)

Drottz Sjöberg -MELODI Workshop, Britt-Marie Drottz-Sjöberg (NTNU, NO)

Perko – Melodi 2013 Workshop


10 OCTOBER 2013

Plenary: Radiation Protection Issues

Moderators: Rafi Benotmane (SCK•CEN, BE) & Peter Jacob (HMGU, DE)
Session sponsored by MELODI and IRSN

Current Approaches in Risk-based Evaluation of Chemical Carcinogens, Andrea Hartwig (KIT, DE)

Cancer Risk from Exposure to 100 mSv within 5 Years, Mary Schubauer-Berigan (NIOHS, USA)

Retrospective Dosimetry Concepts for Triage / Emergency Situations – Status and Future Needs, Paola Fattibene (ISS, IT)


Heavy Ions: Space & Radiotherapy

Moderators: Marjan Moreels (SCK•CEN, BE) and Winok De Vos (UGent, BE)

Introduction to Charged Particles: Bridging the Gap between Earth and Space, Marjan Moreels (SCK•CEN, BE)

DLR Solar Particle Events in Aviation and Space, Gunther Reitz (DLR, DE)

Secondary Neutrons in Proton and Ion Therapy, Liliana Stolarczyk (IFJ, PL)

Time-dependent Changes in Expression of Motility Genes in Prostate Cancer Cells after Exposure to Low- and High-let Radiation, Annelies Suetens (SCK•CEN, BE

The ANDANTE Project: a Multidisciplinary Approach to neutron RBE, Andrea Ottolenghi (UP, IT)

Systems Biology

Moderators: William F. Morgan (PNNL, USA) & Pieter Monsieurs (SCK•CEN, BE)

Network Failure Modes of the Cellular Regulatory System in Cancer: a Statistical Perspective, Wessel Van Wieringen (VU University MC, NL)

Differential in vivo Responses of Distinct Epidermal Stem Cells to Low Dose Irradiation, Peggy Sotiropoulou (UCL, BE)

The transcriptional Response to Irradiation: Time to Move the Focus from Cellular to Tissutal Level, Rodolfo Negri (Sapienza Univ. of Rome, IT)

RENEB – Progress of the Biodose Network, Ulrike Kulka (BfS, DE)


Mechanisms and Underlying Effects of Cancer and Non-cancer Effects

Moderators: An Aerts (SCK•CEN, BE) & Dietrich Averbeck (IRSN/CEA, FR)
Session sponsored by CEREBRAD and PROCARDIO

(i) Recommendations from the MELODI SRA (ii) Acute versus Chronic Effects: How Comparable are They?, An Aerts (SCK•CEN, BE)

PPAR Alpha is a Novel Radiation Target in Exposed Human and Murine Cardiac Tissue, Soile Tapio (HMGU, DE)

Gene Expression and Mechanistic Studies on Blood Cells after Exposure to Low Doses of Ionizing Radiation: in vitro and in vivo Human Studies, Hussein el-Saghire (SCK•CEN, BE)

Evidence for a Direct Relationship between the Response to Irradiationand the Metabolic Profile of Tumor Cells, Vanessa Bol (UCL, BE)

Effects of Low Dose Ionizing Radiation on the Neuronal Dopaminergic System and their Relevance for Parkinson’s Disease, Pier G. Mastroberardino (Erasmus Univ. MC, NL)

Low and Intermediate Dose Ionising Radiation Even Up to 2Gy Does Not Alter Viability and Phagocytic Behaviour of Activated Macrophages but Induces an Anti-inflammatory Cytokine Milieu, Roland Wunderlich (Friedrich-Alexander Univ., DE)


Internal Emitters

Moderators: Hilde Engels (SCK•CEN, BE) & Dominique Laurier (IRSN, FR)

Introduction: Current Issues Related to Internal Emitters, Hilde Engels (SCK•CEN, BE)

Health Effects of Internal Alpha Emitters, Dosimetry, James Marsh (PHE, UK)

Health Effects of Internal Alpha Emitters, Contribution of Epidemiology, Margot Tirmache (ASN, FR)

Comparison of Physical and Biological Dosimetry for Internal Emitters, Kai Rothkamm (PHE, UK)

Concerted Action for an Integrated (biologydosimetry-epidemiology) Research Project on Occupational Uranium Exposure, Dominique Laurier (IRSN, FR)

Mortality from Internal and External Radiation Exposure in a Cohort of German Uranium Processing Workers, 1946-2008, Michaela Kreuzer (BfS, DE)

Differential  Effects of Chronic Internal 137Cs Contamination on Early and Intermediate Stages of Atherosclerosis in APOE-/- Mice, Teni Ebrahimian (IRSN, FR)


The Meaning of Ethics for Radiological Protection Research and Research Policy

Moderator: Gaston Meskens (SCK•CEN)

The aim of this workshop is to organise a first reflection on the meaning of ethics for radiological protection research and research policy, and this for all relevant application contexts (nuclear energy, medical, industry). We aim to map the meaningful notions of ethics in relation to RP practice, research and policy, taking into account that we do not only consider the ‘ethical implications’ of potentially adverse effects of applications of nuclear technology, but also (and primarily) the ethical aspects of the justification of practices that involve nuclear technology. The workshop will consist of presentations and a general informal dialogue with all attendants. We invite all the MELODI Workshop participants to join us for this unique event. The workshop will result in a synthesis document that will be shared with the MELODI/OPERRA community and with other European relevant research networks. We will invite feedback and collect and synthesise comments to be discussed in the next workshop in Budweis in June 2014. The workshop will be moderated by Gaston Meskens (Belgian Nuclear Research Centre, SCK•CEN & Centre For Ethics and Value Inquiry, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Ghent).

Scientific Conclusions of the Workshop, Sarah Baatout (SCK•CEN, BE)

Closure of the Workshop, Frank Hardeman (SCK•CEN, BE)


Programme of the 5th Workshop


The REGISTRATION DESK will be open MONDAY 7 October 6-8 pm, and along the course of the workshop.


Satellite events:

  • DoReMi Cross cutting issue meeting (7th of October from 9 am to 6 pm)
  • MELODI General Assembly meeting
  • Training and Education forum
  • Stakeholders meeting
  • Human-science related activities
  • Aligning common priorities of ALLIANCE, NERIS and other partners in Radiation Protection
  • Scientific Committee meeting
Fifth MELODI Workshop - Award

The Board of the MELODI Association has decided to reward annually a young researcher by offering a MELODI Award, to be officially announced at the annual MELODI Workshop.

Because of the high quality of the applications for the 2013 Award the Board has decided – based on recommendation by the Scientific Committee – to give two awards this time. The awardees are:

Anna Acheva from the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK, Finland) for her presentation about 3-D Skin and Lung Epithelial Models for Radiation Biology Studies.


Luca Mariotti from the University of pavia (UP, Italy) for the MELODI Award Presentation aboutSystems Radiation Biology to Model Non-linear Effects.

The Awardees presented their results at the 5th MELODI Workshop, Brussels, October 2013.