7th Workshop
November 2015 – Munich, Germany
Home > Workshops > 7th Workshop >
Call for Abstracts
Abstract submission for the MELODI 2015 WS 9-11 Nov is now closed!
All MELODI-2015 participants are encouraged to submit an abstract for presentation of a poster. The abstract should cover an area related to the themes of the invited lectures or parallel sessions.
An electronic book of abstracts will be available for workshop attendees.
A limited number of posters will be chosen for a brief oral presentation by the Scientific Programme Committee
- The abstract template has to be used and
- send by e-mail: MELODI-7thWS-2015@bfs.de
Schedule and instructions
- Abstracts submission deadline:is now closed!
- Abstracts should be submitted only in English.
- The max. length is only one page.
- Authors will receive notification of acceptance by 15 July 2015 (the organizers reserve the right to exclude irrelevant posters)
- The invited speakers are also asked to also provide an abstract – submission deadline:1st Sept 2015!