7th Workshop

November 2015 – Munich, Germany

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“Next Generation Radiation Protection Research”

9-11 November 2015, Helmholtz Zentrum München, Germany


The Multidisciplinary European Low Dose Initiative (MELODI, www.melodi-online.eu) is a European Platform dedicated to low dose radiation risk research. In 2010 MELODI was founded as a registered association with 15 members. The purpose of MELODI is to:

  • propose R&T priorities for Europe in its field of competence – EUROPE 2020 Strategy
  • seek the views of stakeholders on the priorities for research, keep them informed on progress made, and contribute to the dissemination of knowledge
  • interface with international partners like WHO and IAEA.


Based on the outcomes of the yearly MELODI workshops a Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) is being progressively developed. To assure an open and vivid discussion and development of the SRA the contribution from a large number of scientists and stakeholders is needed.

The MELODI Workshop 2015 Next Generation Radiation Protection Research focusses on new technologies enabling improved health risk estimates after exposures to ionizing radiation with low doses. Key topics will include:

  • individual sensitivity to develop a radiation-induced disease
  • transfer of radiation-related risks between populations having different incidence rates of disease
  • integration of molecular biology and epidemiology to assess low-dose or low-dose-rate risks
  • radiation systems biology and modelling of radiation-induced pathogenesis
  • stem cells and radiation effects on health
  • new biology like micro-vesicles
  • infrastructures, education and training


Cross-links to the following other radiation protection fields will be discussed:

  • dosimetry, represented by the platform EURADOS
  • radioecology, represented by the platform ALLIANCE
  • emergency preparedness, represented by NERIS
  • radiation protection for medical applications of ionizing radiation.


Invited and proffered papers will be presented in the oral sessions. Two poster sessions will allow for discussions of further aspects. Key messages of the contributions should include new results or technologies and implications for the SRA for low dose radiation risk research.


Proposals for contributions are invited to be submitted before 15 June 2015. Notification of acceptance will be distributed before 15 July 2015.